

Иккинчи тилми ёки давлат тили?

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«Таълим тўғрисида»ги Қонун асосида республикамизда таълим соҳасида амалга оширилган ислоҳотлар нафақат таълим босқичлари ва шакллари, балки таълим мазмунининг ҳам ислоҳ қилинишига олиб келди, хусусан, ўзбек тили фанининг давлат тили сифатида барча таълим гуруҳларида: таълим бошқа тилларда олиб мактабларда, коллежлар, лицейлар ва олий ўқув юртларининг русийзабон гуруҳларида ўқитилиши йўлга қўйилди.


Ҳозирги кунда республикамизда ўзбек тили таянч ўқув режаси асосида камида 10-13 йил ўқитилмоқда. Шунга қарамай, республикамизда ўзбек тилининг бошқа миллат вакиллари томонидан давлат тили даражасида эгалланиши анча суст кетмоқда. Бу ўзбек тили ўқитувчилари олдига ўзбек тили таълими методларини янгилаш, таълим жараёнига ўқувчилар ва талабаларни фаоллаштириш усулларини татбиқ этиш, дарсларни янги қизиқарли усулларда ташкил этиш, янги педагогик технологиялар ва замонавий ахборот воситалари ёрдамида ўзбек тилининг амалий қўлланилишини тезроқ ўргатиш каби долзарб масалаларни қўймоқда.


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What is punctuation?<br />Punctuation is a way of marking a sentence so it is easier to understand. Punctuation helps you to see the grammar of a sentence and which parts belong together. It also helps you to understand how the sentences would sound if the person using them was speaking instead of writing. However, many people find punctuation very confusing, and even many native English speakers use punctuation badly or even wrongly. Here we will look at basic punctuation and how to use it, and in the rest of the unit you will find exercises to help you practice. If you want to see some more complicated punctuation have a look at the intermediate and advanced parts of the course.


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What are idioms?
Idioms are non-literal expressions. This means that the meaning that you are expected to understand is different from what the words should mean. For example, someone can literally 'hit the roof' if they fall from somewhere high, and strike the top of a house. However, most English speakers will understand that 'hitting the roof' is an idiom for getting very angry very quickly.
For example:
'What did Jim say when you told him that you had crashed his new car?'
'What do you expect? He hit the roof.'

Why are idioms used?
Idioms are a part of language (and not just a part of English). They give a meaning more vividly and often more briefly than a long literal explanation would do. For example, I have just told you that an idiom gives you all information that you need but compresses it by giving you a mental picture that explains everything, but I could have told you that idioms give you the meaning 'in a nutshell'.

Present Perfect

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What is the perfect used for?
In English we have three times — the past, the present and the future. However, sometimes we want to use two different times in the same sentence.
For example,

    We may want to talk about two things in the past, and want to show which one happened first.
    Or we might want to say that something started in the past and is still happening.
    Or we might want to talk about what the present will be at some time in the future.

When we want to connect two different times with the same idea, we use the perfect tense. When we want to connect the past with the present, we use the present perfect.

How do we form the Perfect tense?

Agreeing and disagreeing

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When you learn a new language, you soon discover that it is not just the vocabulary and grammar which are different. Every country is different in what people think is polite behaviour and what is rude. English is a very polite language, so it is important to know how to agree and disagree with people in English without being rude. (And also how to be rude if you want to be!)

In this section we will give different ways for you to agree, disagree, and also show you how you can say something without agreeing or disagreeing.

There are two kinds of sentence you will have to agree or disagree with — suggestions and statements .
For example:
Let's go to the park. (suggestion)
It's a lovely day today. (statement)


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What are questions? Questions are used to get information from someone. Questions are different from statements in two ways. A statement is used to give information, questions are used to get information. The grammar of a question is different, and voice inflection is different.(Inflection is how you say the words in a sentence.)

How do we use inflection in a sentence? When we ask a question, our voice is slightly different. We raise our voice at the end of the sentence. This tells the listener that you are asking for information. Sometimes this is all that is needed. Look at this example.
For example:
Question: Where did you leave the milk?          
This answer is also a question In the kitchen? because it is said like this


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Asking for and giving explanations is often difficult, because you have to worry about giving facts and also about organizing them gramatically. Also, it is very easy to make a mistake so that you are not properly understood.

In this section, we will see how to ask someone for an explanation, and also how to organize an explanation so that it is easy to understand.

Asking for explanations.

Can you tell me ..? This is an easy way to ask someone for information. You start with 'Can you tell me' and then you add a question word. (You must remember that the second part is not a question, so you must not use a question form.)
For example:
«Can you tell me who that man is?»
NOT'Can you tell me who is that man?'
Other (correct) examples:
«Can you tell me how to get to the station?»
«Can you tell me why I am not on the list?»

The Future

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It is important to know that English people do not use tenses only to talk about time. Tenses in English describe when something happens. But they also tell you what the person who is talking thinks about what is happening.

In English there are many ways to talk about the future. For example, we can use any of these kinds of grammar when we talk about the future — the present simple, the present continuous, the simple future, the future continuous, the future perfect, the future perfect continuous, or even (cover your eyes!) the future perfect passive continuous. Which of these different kinds of grammar we use depends on what idea we want to give about how we see the future.

We are going to look at the six most common ways of talking about the future.


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An English saying goes «Sorry is the hardest word». This is not because it is hard to pronounce or spell, but because you have to admit that you have done something wrong.

In this section, we will see when and how you can say sorry; and what you should say when someone says sorry to you. Also, English people often say «sorry» when they are not even a little bit sorry.

First of all, sorry is not really a synonym for I apologise even though it is often used that way. Sorry is the word for how you feel when you wish you had not done something.
For example:
«It's really cold. I'm sorry that I forgot my jacket».
«I'm sorry I stayed up so late last night. I'm really tired now.»


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Adjectives are words that are used to tell you more about nouns. Adjectives are of many different kinds. Sometimes they are kinds that we often do not think of as adjectives
For example:
A red house.
One man.
Grammar of adjectives.

There are two ways to use grammar with adjectives — before a noun or after a verb.
For example:
A big ball
The ball is big
(You will notice from this that the verb «to be» is often found with adjectives, especially adjectives after verbs.)

Instructions and requests

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When you want someone to do something for you, you use requests or instructions. If you do it wrongly, people will not know what yoiu want them to do, or they may get angry because they do not think you are being polite. Also, when someone is talking to you, you must know when they are making a request, and when they are giving an instruction.
In this part, we are going to look at
•    The difference between requests and instructions
•    The grammar of requests and instructions
•    The different levels of register for requests and instructions
•    What to say when you get a request or instruction.
The difference between requests and instructions.

Present Simple

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1. Let's start with how verbs are made.
Verbs are made from two parts. There is an auxiliary, and a main part.
Together the auxiliary and the main part make the tense of the verb.
For example:
“I am thinking”. Am is the auxiliary, thinking is the main part of the verb. Together they make the tense. Here, the tense they make is the present continuous.
(Remember auxiliaries do not have any meaning as words. They just tell us more about the verb. There is a verb do, but gramatically it is different from the auxiliary do.)


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One reason to learn English is so that you can meet new people and talk with them. If you want to meet people outside your country, then it is a good idea to learn English.Today people from all over the world use English to talk with people who don't know teir language. It does not matter if you are Japanese, Bolivian, or Nigerian. If people cannot speak your language, their next question is «do you speak English?»
As soon as you introduce yourself, people can see how good your English is. So we are going to make your introductions better. We will look at —
•    The three levels of register.
•    Types of introduction.
•    Follow-up questions.
In every country we use register. Children speak to adults in one way, adults speak to children in another way. Children speak in another way with other children, and adults speak in another way to other adults. The boss speaks to the worker in one way, the worker speaks to the boss in a different way.


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We use nouns to talk about things. We use verbs to talk about actions. Pronouns, adjectives, modals, and all the other parts of grammar are things we can use to make our English sound better. But verbs and nouns are things we must use, so it is a good idea to use them properly. In this part we will look at some things to remember about nouns.
•    Ordinary and proper nouns.
•    Plurals.
•    Possessives
Ordinary and Proper nouns.
Ordinary nouns describe things which there are many of. Look around and you can see many ordinary nouns. Like your computer! But proper nouns describe things that are single (or single types).
For example: There are many rivers (ordinary noun), but only one River Thames (proper noun). Tara (proper noun) is a girl (ordinary noun).

Барча учун зарурий манба

Президент асарлари
“Юксак маънавият-енгилмас куч” асари ҳақида
 Бугун биз тарихий бир даврда – халқимиз ўз олдига эзгу ва улуғ мақсадлар қўйиб, тинч-осойишта ҳаёт кечираётган, авваламбор ўз куч ва имкониятларига таяниб, демократик давлат ва фуқаролик жамияти қуриш йўлида улкан натижаларни  қўлга киритаётган бир замонда яшамоқдамиз.
Биз ўз тақдиримизни ўз қўлимизга олиб, азалий қадриятларимизга суяниб, шу билан бирга, тараққий топган давлатлар тажрибасини ҳисобга олган ҳолда, мана шундай олижаноб интилишлар билан яшаётганимиз, халқимиз асрлар давомида орзиқиб кутган озод, эркин ва фаровон ҳаётни барпо этаётганимиз, бу йўлда эришаётган ютуқларимизни халқаро ҳамжамият тан олгани – бундай имкониятларнинг барчасини айнан мустақиллик берганини бугун ҳаммамиз чуқур англаймиз.
Ана шу ҳақиқатни халқимиз ҳар томонлама тўғри тушуниб, танлаган тараққиёт йўлимизни онгли равишда қабул қилгани ва қўллаб-қувватлаётгани олдимизга қўйган мақсадларга эришишнинг асосий манбаи ва гарови эканини ҳаётнинг ўзи тасдиқламоқда.

Success in Spoken English Study

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Chapter Summary: This chapter will encourage you to be persistent in studying spoken English. Staying at the task will be your greatest difficulty. This chapter will also encourage you to improve your spoken English fluency by reading newspapers. The chapter closes by telling you that you can expect success as you study spoken English.
You are reading this book because you want to learn to speak fluent English. I trust it will help you. Most of all, I think our freely downloadable Spoken English Learned Quickly course on www.FreeEnglishNow.com will be of benefit to you. It is the world's most widely used spoken English language course, and it is helping hundreds of thousands of students around the world learn English very quickly. If you lived in the United States, for each hour of study, Spoken English Learned Quickly would help you learn to speak English twice as fast as you could learn spoken English in a college English class.
However, it is much more difficult to learn to speak English fluently in a country where English is seldom used. If you live in a country where you do not regularly hear properly pronounced, grammatically correct English, Spoken English Learned Quickly could help you learn to speak English in even less than half of the time it normally takes in your country.

Four types of verb drills

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In the Spoken English Learned Quickly lessons we use four verb table formats. All verb tables are used as spoken English drills with recorded audio. In the early lessons, we use only the following format which I will call an «A» format verb drill:

1. An «A» format English verb drill.

TO CALL (to call) / He promised to call. (He promised to call.) Call. (Call.) / Please call. (Please call.) calling (calling) / It is calling. (It is calling.) called (called) / it is called (it is called) / it was called (it was called) / it will be called (it will be called)

    • I call (I call) / he calls (he calls) / she calls (she calls) / it calls (it calls) / you call (you call) / we call (we call) / they call (they call)

Studying the English Verb

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Chapter Summary: Learning to use the English verb correctly will be one of the most difficult tasks for you in learning to speak fluent English. We suggest that it will be much easier for you if you simultaneously learn all persons and tenses of each new English verb. Spoken English Learned Quickly includes four kinds of spoken verb drills to help you learn the English verb quickly and  correctly.

Probably nothing marks someone struggling to learn English quite as much as improper use of the English verb's person and tense. Therefore, as you study English, you will want to emphasize learning to use the verb correctly as you speak. This will require specialized English verb drills. Spoken English Learned Quickly places great emphasis on the English verb. In all but the first lesson, you will have special spoken drills which will help you learn to use the English verb correctly in all its persons and tenses.

Using the newspaper for conversation practice

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In Chapter 2 I said, «You must never make a mistake when you are speaking.» That objective will be the most difficult when you first begin free conversation. However, using a newspaper article will be a great aid in producing conversation which is essentially free of mistakes. A newspaper article can give you a great deal of structure for conversation practice. This structure would give both you and your English teacher a defined group of vocabulary words, defined sentences with an understood meaning, and a defined context in which the vocabulary and sentences can be communicated. Your English teacher could use the newspaper article to structure free conversation.

To continue with the illustration, your English teacher could lead you in a discussion stemming from a newspaper article. You could easily have the following discussion after only four weeks of full-time language study. Notice that your teacher would ask each question twice, expecting that you will substitute a pronoun in the second response.

Using the newspaper for fluency enhancement

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In this use of the newspaper, you would simply read rather than alternating between reading and repeating a sentence from recall memory. You would want to read the entire article aloud for fluency practice. Try reading the article as smoothly as possible without stopping. Read it aloud at least twice.

For more fluency practice, continue reading the article aloud until you can read it at the same rate of speed that an American speaker uses when talking. Practice until your pronunciation duplicates that of the American speaker. Your purpose would not merely be to learn the vocabulary in these newspaper articles, but to learn to speak fluently. Keep practicing until you can read the article aloud so that an American speaker could clearly understand what you are saying.