

Using the newspaper in order to learn expressions

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Expressions add richness to all languages. Identify expressions as you read the newspaper. Use a special mark to identify them in articles. Many expressions may be divided so that component words of the expression are separated by non-component words. Try substituting other words while using the same expression. Say or write as many sentences using the expression as possible. To use an example, you may read a sentence in a newspaper which says, «The Governor announced Friday that he will not run for another term, putting to rest months of speculation about his future intentions.»

Most expressions can be used in different tenses with different people or things. For example, the expression «to put to rest» can be used in the present, «I want to put our disagreement to rest,» in the future, «He will put his argument to rest,» or in the past, «They finally put their rivalry to rest.» Notice that in the last phrase, the component parts of the expression are separated: «They finally put their rivalry to rest.»

Using the newspaper for syntax development

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Reading a newspaper article aloud is an ideal way to reinforce your use of grammatically correct English syntax. Your goal is to retrain your mind, hearing, and mouth to understand and use English correctly. Reading aloud from a newspaper is one of the best ways to accomplish that.

The great advantage is that you will be reading a large number of different sentences which will all be organized according to the same grammar rules. Thus, you would be learning the acceptable range of the syntax of that language. That is, there may appear to be many variations from sentence to sentence, yet all of the uses would still be correct. For an example, you would learn that you can place the word «however» at the beginning, middle, or end of an English sentence.

Using the newspaper for meaning

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Read the article again for meaning. Always read aloud. If you do not understand a sentence, stop and figure out exactly what it means. If some of the definitions you have written in your notebook do not make sense in the context of the article, find the word again in your dictionary and see if it has other meanings. If a second meaning for the word would make better sense, write that definition in your notebook.

Using the newspaper for vocabulary

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First, read the article out loud, identifying new vocabulary as you read. Whenever you read a word you do not know, stop and find it in your dictionary. Keep a vocabulary notebook. If a word you do not know is used more than twice in an article, put a check ( ) by it for special study. However, do not check names of places or people. After you finish reading the article for the first time, review the meaning of all of the new vocabulary words. Study these words enough so that you know what they mean when you read the article. Always pronounce vocabulary words—do even your vocabulary study out loud.

After you are more familiar with the process, select other newspaper articles and continue reading aloud while you look for new vocabulary words. When you find a word in a second newspaper article which you have already checked ( ) in your notebook, place a second check ( ) by it. Any word in your notebook with two checks should be memorized as an important word to know. Whenever you are able to do so, write cognate forms of the same word. For example, to adhere, an adhesive, and adhesion are cognates.

Selecting a Text

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Chapter Summary: For spoken English study, you will need both a written text and an audio recording of that text. It will be easier to make an audio recording using a newspaper text than it will be to transcribe a radio audio program as a written text. The newspaper article becomes an excellent text for language study.

If you are using Spoken English Learned Quickly, both the text and the audio recordings have already been prepared for you. In this chapter, I am using the term text to identify a written manuscript. A newspaper in English is usually an excellent source for a study text. Most newspapers use good syntax, relatively simple sentences, and common expressions. In addition to general vocabulary, newspapers will give you many common political, scientific, economic, and technical words. Generally, newspapers are also a good source of
colloquial expressions.

Complex English sentences

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I need to add an explanation so that what I am saying is understandable. English grammar identifies simple sentences (sentences with one main clause), compound sentences (sentences with two or more main clauses), complex sentences (sentences with one main clause and at least one subordinate clause), and compound-complex sentences (sentences made up of two or more main clauses and at least one subordinate clause). An example of a compound-complex sentence would be, «The Saturday afternoon program was like a two-ring circus; while one part of the TV screen carried the professional football game, the other part showed scores from collegiate games.» Of course, this is not a sentence we would expect beginning English students to use.

Do You Need Beginning and Advanced Lessons?

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Chapter Summary: Without first evaluating the unique qualities of language, it is often assumed that English study must be divided into beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. However, a careful assessment of English indicates that it does not use multiple levels of language complexity. The kind of sentences which you use as a beginning student are the same kind of sentences which you must master as an advanced student in order to gain English fluency. As a beginning English student, you must learn English in the context of full sentences. As an advanced student, you must use the same sentences to perfect syntax and intonation.

Your perceived needs as you begin studying English will significantly influence how you answer this chapter's title question. If you decide that you need beginning English when you start your study, you will spend much time looking for lessons with beginning sentences because English does not speak a beginning language. On the other hand, if you decide that the English used in the daily newspaper is what you want to learn, you can easily find that kind of English language.

The best time to study grammar

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In Chapter 1, I said that effective spoken English instruction simultaneously trains all of your cognitive and sensory centers of speech. When is the best time to learn that the sentence, «That is a book,» is an English statement, and the sentence, «Is that a book?» is an English question? The best time is when you simultaneously learn to speak these two sentences. That would take place while you are learning many other similar sentences so that you will develop a cognitive sense
reinforced by motor skill and auditory feedback. You will learn that the order and inflection of the one sentence is a question, while the other is a statement. The sound of the sentence is as much an indicator of its meaning as its written form. Right? Right!

There is also a relationship between good pronunciation and good spelling. I am a poor speller. I understand that I misspell many words because I probably mispronounce them. At some point, everyone who expects to write English well must learn to spell. Yet, it will probably be faster for you to learn good spelling after learning good pronunciation than it will be for you to learn good spelling without being able to speak. In practice, you will learn the spelling of new English words as
they are added to the vocabulary of each new lesson.

Grammar and Writing in Spoken English

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Chapter Summary: Any language is unintelligible without grammar because grammar consists of the rules used to put words together in ways which convey meaning. The issue is not whether or not you need to know English grammar. The question is, «How do you learn English grammar best?»

My personal experience
I had the great advantage of growing up in a home in which grammatically correct English was spoken. As I progressed through primary school and on into secondary school, my language ability matured as a result of my home and school environments. In retrospect, I believe this is what happened: for the most part, I used proper sentence structure and pronunciation because that is what I heard in my home. However, when I went to school, I needed to learn grammar. I—like probably most of my classmates—did not learn to speak because I studied grammar. Rather, I was able to learn how to do grammar exercises because I already knew how to speak.

Making the application

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I assume that you are a college student or a young professional and that you are highly motivated to learn to speak English fluently. You will do much better if you seek ways in which you can speak English correctly from the very beginning. Strike a careful balance between free speech and forcing yourself to follow a pattern of correct English use. Do everything in your power to use English correctly.

In the early weeks of English study, this may require that you spend more time repeating recorded Spoken English Learned Quickly exercises than in trying to engage in free speech. Later, however, you will need to spend a great deal of time talking with others.

Controlled language study

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The better alternative is to derive all initial spoken language study from audio recorded materials which contain perfect syntax, perfect use of the verb, and perfect pronunciation. This sounds restrictive, but, in fact, it can be done with the Spoken English Learned Quickly lessons.

Say, for example, that during the first two weeks of English study, you used only the Spoken English Learned Quickly recorded exercises. You would repeat the recorded lesson material which was accurate in every detail. For the entire instruction period, you would work by yourself while repeating the exercise sentences hundreds of times.

Traditional English study

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Traditional methods of teaching English attempt to engage the students in free speech as quickly as possible. Though the goal is commendable, in practice it has a serious drawback. A beginning student does not have enough language background to be able to construct sentences properly. More to the point, the instruction program seldom has enough teachers to correct every student's errors.

Four Rules for Learning Spoken English

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Chapter Summary: This chapter explains four rules which you must follow in order to learn spoken English. These four rules help you retrain your mind and tongue simultaneously so that you will learn to speak fluent English quickly. You will be surprised by the fourth rule which states, «You must never make a mistake when you are speaking English.»

There are four simple rules you must follow when you are learning to speak English:

1. To learn to speak English correctly, you must speak it aloud.

It is important that you speak loudly and clearly when you are studying spoken English. You are retraining your mind to respond to a new pattern of proprioceptive and auditory stimuli. This can only be done when you are speaking aloud at full volume. One of the reasons that your English study in school required so much time while producing such poor results is that none of the silent study did anything to train your tongue to speak English.

2. To learn to speak English fluently, you must think in English.

The best way to learn English

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Two skill areas must be emphasized if you want to learn to speak English fluently. The first is memory (which is involved in both vocabulary and syntax) and the second is proprioceptive responses (which are involved in both pronunciation and syntax). You may be able to learn simple vocabulary-related memory skills with equal effectiveness by using either verbal or visual training methods. That is, you may be able to learn pure memory skills equally well with either spoken drills or written exercises.

However, it is impossible for you to retrain your proprioceptive sense without hearing your own voice at full speaking volume. Thus, in my opinion, it is a waste of your time to do written assignments for the
purpose of learning spoken English.

Surprisingly, it will take far less time for you to learn both fluent spoken English and excellent English grammar by learning only spoken English first, than it will for you to study written English grammar lessons before you can speak English. This does not mean, however, that grammar is not a necessary part of spoken English instruction. It is impossible to speak English—or any other language—without correct use of its grammar. My statement simply means that the best way to learn English grammar is through spoken English exercises.

Ўзбекистонда магистрларни тайёрлаш бўйича янги талаблар белгиланди

Ўзбекистон Президентининг 2012 йил 24 июлдаги ПФ–4456-сон «Олий малакали илмий ва илмий-педагог кадрлар тайёрлаш ва аттестациядан ўтказиш тизимини янада такомиллаштириш тўғрисида»ги Фармонига мувофиқ Олий ва ўрта махсус таълим вазири ўз буйруғи билан Магистратура тўғрисидаги янги Низомни тасдиқлади.

Низомда магистрант-талабанинг индивидуал тақвимий иш режасининг намунавий шакли келтирилган бўлиб, у 2 бобдан иборат: 4 қисмдан иборат иш режаси (ўқув-услубий ва илмий-тадқиқот иши, илмий-педагогик ва малакавий амалиёти) ва магистрлик диссертацияларининг бажарилиш тақвимий режаси.

Иш режасига педагогик ва малакавий амалиёт киритилиши муносабати билан талаба амалиёт бўйича алоҳида кундалик юритиш ва у бўйича ҳисобот топшириш мажбуриятидан озод бўлди.

Ўқитувчилар маошига қўшимча ҳақ тўлаш ўқувчилар сонига боғлиқ бўлади

Блог им. feruzaxon
Ўзбекистон Президентининг 25.12.2012 йилдаги “Ўзбекистон Республикаси Давлат бюджетининг 2013 йил учун асосий макроиқтисодий кўрсаткичлари ва параметрларининг прогнози тўғрисида”ги № ПҚ-1887 сонли қарори билан Вазирлар Маҳкамасининг 21.12.2005 йилдаги “Халқ таълими ходимлари меҳнатига ҳақ тўлашнинг такомиллаштирилган тизимини тасдиқлаш тўғрисида”ги № 275-сонли қарорига ўзгаришлар киритилди.

2013 йил 1 январдан бошлаб умумтаълим муассасалари ўқитувчиларининг иш ҳақига синф раҳбарлиги ва дафтарларни текшириш учун белгиланган қўшимча ҳақ синфдаги ўқувчилар сонига қараб ўзгарадиган бўлди.

Энди ўқувчилар сони кам бўлган, яъни 15 нафаргача ўқувчи таълим оладиган синфда дафтарларни текширганлик учун қўшимча ҳақ энг кам иш ҳақининг 25% ни, оддий синфларда эса, олдингидай, энг кам иш ҳақининг 50% ни ташкил этади.

Ҳукумат болаларнинг боғча тарбияси учун олинадиган тўловнинг аниқ миқдорини белгилади

Блог им. feruzaxon
2013 йил 1 январдан бошлаб болаларнинг 2013 йилги давлат бюджети ҳисобидан молиялаштириладиган мактабгача бўлган муассасалардаги тарбияси учун ота-оналардан олинадиган тўловнинг аниқ миқдори белгиланди.

Қайд этиб ўтамиз, 2008 йилдан Президентнинг 12.12.2007 йилдаги № ПҚ-744 сонли қарори билан ушбу тўлов миқдори энг кам иш ҳақига (ЭКИҲ) нисбатан фоизларда ҳисобланади.

Ўзбекистонда чет тиллари энди биринчи синфдан бошлаб ўқитилади


Ўқитувчиларнинг ойлигига қўшимча маблағ қўшиб берилади.

Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президенти «Чет тилларни ўрганиш тизимини янада такомиллаштириш чора-тадбирлари тўғрисида»ги Қарорга имзо чекди.

Ушбу ҳужжатга биноан:
— 2013/2014 ўқув йилидан бошлаб республиканинг барча ҳудудида чет тилларни, асосан, инглиз тилини ўрганиш умумтаълим мактабларининг биринчи синфларидан ўйин тарзидаги дарслар ва оғзаки нутқ дарслари шаклида, иккинчи синфдан бошлаб эса, алифбо, ўқиш ва грамматикани ўзлаштиришдан босқичма-босқич бошланади;
— Олий ўқув юртларида айрим махсус фанларни, хусусан, техник ва халқаро мутахассисликлар бўйича ўқитиш чет тилларда олиб борилади;

“Конституция – бахтимиз пойдевори”

Конституция - бахтимиз қомуси
Бугун жамиятимизда қандай ютуқ ва марраларга эришаётган бўлсак,  уларниннг пойдеворида  Конституциямиз – Буюк Ҳаёт қомусимиз турибди.
                                                                                                                                Ислом Каримов

Бугунги кунда халқимизнинг эришган ютуқлари, бугунги тинч ҳаёти, давлатимизнинг халқаро майдондаги обрўсининг ортиб боришида Конституциямизда белгилаб берилган ҳуқуқий асослар турганлигини эътироф этиш жоиздир. Инсон шаъни ва қадр қиммати олий қадриятлар сифатида эътироф этилган Ўзбекистон Республикаси Конституцияси нафақат ҳуқуқий, балки том маънода маънавий ва маърифий аҳамиятга ҳам эга.

Процесс объектно-ориентированного проектирования

Блог им. feruzaxon
Объектно-ориентированное проектирование (Object-Oriented Design — OOD) — это поступательный итеративный процесс. Граница между объектно-ориентированным анализом и проектированием расплывчата и построение проекта программного изделия состоит из ряда циклов, в которых уточняются описания классов и взаимодействия между ними, разрабатываются реализующие их программы, проводится их отладка и тестирование и по результатам каждого этапа уточняются рабочие документы предыдущих этапов, дорабатываются описания классов и программы. Эти циклы повторяются до получения требуемого результата.