

Тошкентда Инҳа (Жанубий Корея) университети ташкил этилади


Ўзбекистон Президенти Ислом Каримов 24 март куни Тошкент шаҳрида Инҳа (Жанубий Корея) университетини ташкил этиш тўғрисидаги қарорни имзолади.


Янги олий таълим муассасасини ташкил этиш тўғрисидаги қарор ахборот-коммуникация технологиялари соҳасида халқаро стандартлар даражасида юқори малака кадрларни тайёрлаш мақсадида қабул қилинган.


Тошкентдаги Инҳа университети Ўзбекистон олий таълим муассасаси сифатида ташкил этилмоқда. Ундаги таълим жараёни Жанубий Кореянинг Инҳа университети томонидан, илғор педагогик ва ахборот технологиялардан фойдаланган ҳолда амалга оширилади.


Талабалар янги олийгоҳда инглиз тилида таълим олишади, таълим Ўзбекистон давлат таълим стандартларидан келиб чиқиб, Инҳа университети ўқув режалари ва дастурлари асосида олиб борилади.

O'zbekiston Milliy kutubxonasi fondi Alisher Navoiyning polyak tilidagi "Lisonut-tayr" asari bilan boyitildi

Новости культуры


O'zbekiston Milliy kutubxonasi fondi Alisher Navoiyning polyak tilidagi «Lisonut-tayr» asari bilan boyitildi — O'zbekiston yangiliklariBuyuk yozuvchi Alisher Navoiyning «Lisonut-tayr» asari birinchi marotaba polyak tiliga polshalik mutaxassis Yanuj Kjijovskiy tomonidan tarjima qilinib, kitob shaklida chop etildi. Mazkur asar Polsha kutubxonalariga tarqatildi.


Shuningdek, ushbu nashrning bir nusxasi muallifning iltimosiga binoan Alisher Navoiy nomidagi O‘zbekiston Milliy kutubxonasiga sovg‘a tariqasida taqdim etildi. Kutubxona rasmiy veb sayti xabariga ko'ra, endilikda kitobxonlar ushbu asarni “Jahon” xorijiy adabiyotlar o‘quv zalida o‘qish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ladilar.

Зулфия номидаги Давлат мукофоти билан тақдирлаш тўғрисида

Зулфияхоним ва унинг издошлари
Шеърият ва адабиёт

Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг қарори



Юртимизда мўътабар аёл зотига муносиб ҳурмат-эҳтиром кўрсатиш, уларнинг ижтимоий ҳаётимиздаги ўрни ва нуфузини ошириш, баркамол хотин-қизлар авлодини вояга етказиш мақсадида ҳамда Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг 1999 йил 10 июндаги «Зулфия номидаги Давлат мукофотини таъсис этиш бўйича таклифларни қўллаб-қувватлаш тўғрисида»ги фармонига мувофиқ қабул қилинган низомга асосан:


1. Ўзбекистон Хотин-қизлар қўмитаси ҳузуридаги Зулфия номидаги Давлат мукофоти комиссиясининг аъло хулқи, зукколиги, ўқишдаги муваффақиятлари, ташаббускорлиги билан ноёб истеъдодини намоён этаётган ҳамда адабиёт, маданият, санъат, таълим ва спорт соҳаларидаги алоҳида ютуқлари учун Қорақалпоғистон Республикаси, вилоятлар ва Тошкент шаҳрининг иқтидорли қизларини Зулфия номидаги Давлат мукофоти билан тақдирлаш тўғрисидаги таклифлари иловадаги рўйхатга мувофиқ маъқуллансин.


2. Зулфия номидаги Давлат мукофоти бўйича кўзда тутилган 14 та мукофот ўрнига 2014 йил учун истисно тариқасида 16 та мукофот берилиши белгилансин.

“Sog‘lom bola yili” Davlat dasturining to‘liq matni e’lon qilindi

Соғлом бола-соғлом ва аҳил оила мевасидир


2014-yil 3-mart kuni “Sog‘lom bola yili” Davlat dasturining rasmiy matni Lex.uz – O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Qonun hujjatlari ma’lumotlari milliy bazasida e’lon qilindi. Dastur yetti bo‘lim va 125 banddan iborat bo‘lib, unda bolalar tug‘ilishi, ta’lim-tarbiyasi, oilada sog‘lom muhitni, uning iqtisodiy va ma’naviy-ahloqiy asoslarini mustahkamlash, ijtimoiy soha rivojiga ajratilayotgan mablag‘lar samaradorligini oshirish bilan bog‘liq barcha masalalar aks etgan.Dastur o‘zida quyidagi bo‘limlarni mujassamlashtirgan:


Sog‘lom va har tomonlama barkamol avlodni shakllantirish uchun qonunchilik va bu borada tashkiliy-huquqiy shart-sharoitlarni yaratishga qaratilgan normativ-huquqiy bazani yanada takomillashtirish, yangi qoida va me’yorlarni ishlab chiqish;   

Sog‘lom bolaning dunyoga kelishi masalasiga sog‘lom va ahil oilaning mevasi sifatida qarab oilada o‘zaro hurmat va mehr-muhabbat, yuksak axloqiy va ma’naviy qadriyatlar muhitini shakllantirish, yosh oilalarning oyoqqa turib olishi uchun moddiy yordam ko‘rsatish, onalik va bolalik himoyasini ta’minlash, ona va bolaning salomatligini mustahkamlash, ayollarning o‘z qobiliyat va imkoniyatlarini ro‘yobga chiqarishi, ularning ro‘zg‘or tashvishlarini yengillashtirish uchun zarur shart-sharoitlarni yaratish;

Bobur ijodi Amerika talabalari nigohida



Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur- oqil shoh va qalami o’tkir shoir- haqli ma’noda Amir Temur avlodining munosib davomchisidir. Har bir xalqning o’z qahramonu-e’tirofga loyiq mutafakkir shaxslari bo’ladi. Bizning bobomiz Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur nafaqat o’zbek xalqining faxriga sazovor, balkim Hind elining ham hurmatini qozongan, dunyo tan olgan o’zbek xalqi farzandidir.


Musulmon dunyosining ramziy ravishda ilk etnograf va antropologi hisoblanmish buyuk mutafakkir olim Boburning 531 yillik yubileyi munosabati bilan 28-fevral kuni Indiana Universiteti talabalari orasida “Boburxonlik” mushoira kechasi tashkil etildi. Tadbirda universitetning ikki yirik fakulteti: Markaziy YevroOsiyoshunoslik va Dhar Hindshunoslik Dasturi talabalari Bobur va Boburiylar sulolasi ijodidan turkiy, fors va hind tillarida bitilgan ruboiy va g’azallar yod oldilar.


Boburxonlik kechasida Markaziy YevroOsiyoshunoslik Fakulteti professori nutq so’zlab, Boburning etnograflik qobiliyati haqida  “Boburnoma”dan Samarqand va Farg’ona hududlarining qanday yuksak mahorat bilan geografik terminlarni qo’llagan holda  professional darajada tasvirlangan namunalarni keltirish bilan tadbirga tashrif buyurgan barcha olim va talabalarda Bobur shaxsiyatiga qiziqishini yanada orttirdi.

Use shorthand for speedy writing

IELTS materials

In the Listening Test, you are often required to listen for the next answer while writing down the answer to the previous question. It is one of the measures of effective listening — the examiners want to find out if you can comprehend what is said while attempting another task at the same time. This further tests your listening ability in English.


To write down the answers more quickly, write only the first two or three letters of the answer that you hear. This shorthand approach is effective in a gapfill listening task because some of the answers may come in quick succession, especially at the beginning of the gapfill passage. You can complete the words during the short period of time given to you after the passage has finished. You are very likely to remember what the letters mean because they are the first letters of words you have recently heard in context.Q14.   3........                            Q15.   14........                                Q16.   hos.......(hospital)    Q17.   lor.........  (lorry)

Q18.   li.....(lights) 

Q19.   ho.......(horn)

Now when to move on the next question

IELTS materials

In the IELTS Listening Test each section is considered separately, and you are not told when the next question in a section comes. When the passage is being played, you should:


•    be aware of the content of the next question ...

•    … as you listen for the answer to the current question.


If you do not think ahead to the next question, and you miss an answer, you might be unable to keep up with the tape. You could still be waiting for an answer that has already been given.


Listen for the question topic keywords/phrases, any marker words/phrases (see below), and the changes in the speaker’s inflection or pitch, to help you recognise when the questions change. Once you recognise that the question topic has changed, it is time to move on to the next question, even if you have not completed the previous question.


Only very few Listening Test questions are given out of order. However, you must be flexible enough to look ahead at the test paper in case the answers to questions do not come in the order shown in the test booklet. This is most likely to occur in a gapfill listening task.

Listening Test Hints. Be ready to listen!

IELTS materials

Remember that the listening part of the IELTS test is the same for Academic and General Training Module candidates. There are 4 sections, and each is treated separately and played once only. The moment you hear the words “Section 1 ”, “Section 2” etc. you should:

•    be prepared and ready to listen for the instructions that are given

•    listen for details about the information contained in the coming passage, (e.g. who? what? where? when? why?)


First, check where the questions are located on the pages in the section to be heard. In the short time given to you before the listening passage begins, which is usually only about ten, twenty or thirty seconds at most, you should do your best to predict what you will hear.


When the conversation, interview or lecture begins, the first item to listen for is the example. Sometimes, the example is heard first and then again when the passage is played in full; in other IELTS Listening Tests it is heard once only.



There are many types of IELTS listening question tasks:

Make sure your answers are easy to read

IELTS materials

You cannot expect to do well if your answers cannot be read.


Candidates may be unaware that their answers cannot be understood by the examiners who mark the tests. Be careful!


Attention: If you have trouble with English letters, you could write your Listening and Reading Test answers in BLOCK LETTERS. Practise, so your letters look like these:




a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


Your letters must be distinguishable from each other. Pay particular attention to:


E and F I, J and L M, N and W U and V I and T (It is often hard to tell the difference between these letters when candidates write them quickly.)

Check before the end of the test! Don't forget to make logical guesses

IELTS materials

In the Reading Sub-test, if you are having trouble completing the questions to a particular passage, you should leave a minute or so at the end of each advised time period for that passage (usually 20 minutes) to guess those questions that can be guessed. In the Listening Sub-test, you are given a minute of silence after each section has finished. Candidates who forget to give a logical guess to questions they cannot otherwise answer, do not give themselves any chance at all to get a mark!Q10. Study destination choices are mostly influenced by proximity to home.                                                            

                                                       T F N


It is a True/False type question with the added possibility of the statement not being mentioned in the passage (N for Not Mentioned).


A logical guess would be that the statement is likely to be true. A quick look at the passage tells us that “the country of choice depends to a large extent on economic factors. ” The answer is “F” for False. Not all logical guesses are correct!


Qll. Students who wish to study business will probably study English overseas.


                                                        T F N


A guess might be that in this age of globalisation the statement is likely to be true. The passage states that “The strength of international business connections between countries also gives a good indication of where students vyill seek tuition. ” This is a sentence which discusses where a student who has already made the decision to study overseas might go.

Use question Keywords to find the answers

IELTS materials

The keywords or keyphrases in the questions help you in your search for the answers. This is true for both the Listening and Reading Sub-tests. First, you must choose which word or phrase to listen for on the tape, or search for in the reading passages. There may be more than one keyword or keyword phrase in a question, and they can be placed before or after the answer.


Since topic keywords and keyphrases are heard or read some time before or after the answer is found, they are similar in function to street signposts; they can point forwards to where you are going or back to where you came from. In this book, they are referred to as signpost keywords/phrases because they point to where the answer can be found. Other keywords are very close to the answer and often form part of the answer phrase. Here, they are referred to as destination keywords/phrases.

The Golden Rule of IELTS

IELTS materials

The Golden Rule is “Always give the monkey exactly what he wants”.


If a monkey asks for a banana, you must give him a banana and not an apple. In other words, your answer to a question must be exactly what is required. Y ou must be quite sure of the type of information you are asked to give as an answer, and what you must do with that information to give an accurate answer.


You might think that this advice is too simple to be worth remembering. It might seem obvious that you have to do what the test asks you to do and give the answers the test asks you to give. Yet failure to remember and apply the Golden Rule is one of the main reasons why candidates do not score as well in the test as they believe they should. Read the questions very carefully.


Know the type of information the test asks you to give:


Is the answer a method of transport?… a person?… a place?… a number?

If you know, you have a better chance of giving the correct answer.


Know what you have to do with the information:

During the test! Manage your time carefully

IELTS materials

The Listening Sub-test


The tape is heard once only, and the questions are answered as you listen. Time is, therefore, managed for you, but you have a short period of time after each passage is heard to check your work.


Do not use this time to transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet because you are given 10 minutes at the end of the test in which to do this.


The Reading Sub-test


An advised period of time is usually given in which to complete each of the three sections of the test. Keep an eye on the time as you progress through the Reading Sub-test, and as you complete each question group. Make sure that you stop answering questions when the advised time is up.


Move on to the next group of questions even if you have not finished those questions. If you do not, you will probably not complete as many questions as you could. Remember that you are in charge of managing your time in the Reading Sub-test.



101 Helpful Hints for IELTS

Develop a memory for English

IELTS materials

In the Reading Test, it pays to remember as much as you can of what you have just read, but at least the words can be read again. However, in the Listening Test you cannot go back, and the tape is only played once. If the answer comes before the keyword/phrase, your memory of what you have just heard is even more important.


Nevertheless, the answer usually follows the keywords/phrases that you hear, and is close in time to the main keyword/phrase you are listening for.


To improve your “English memory”, try the following exercise. Using the pause button on the tape recorder, repeat the sentences spoken in the passages on the audio cassette tape that comes with this book, gradually increasing the length of what you repeat. Do not worry about repeating the exact words. Simply aim to remember more of what you have heard.

Increase your sentence reading speed

IELTS materials

The faster and more accurately you read, the more questions you will be able to answer. In all the tests, the instructions, the example, and the questions themselves need to be read quickly, and must be well understood in order for you to have more time to find the answers. It pays to increase your overall reading speed.


To increase your reading speed, you must learn to read in groups of words that form logical units of thought within sentences. Look at the following sentence:


Britain has been a popular choice for thousands of international students over many years.


Notice how you can think of the sentence as being made up of 3 main parts:


1.    Britain has been a popular choice  (What and where?)

2.    … for thousands of international students (Who for?)

3.    … over many years.  (When?)


Note also, that in this case (and many others) all the phrases answer wh/how questions. It may be helpful at first to think of wh/how questions when trying to read in phrases.

Crease your personal speed

IELTS materials

In the IELTS test, time is your enemy.

Candidates who have taken the test and did not perform as well as they had hoped often complain that they were unable to give all the answers in the Listening Test because the tape was too fast, and that they ran out of time in the Reading Test.


To begin with, do not worry if you do not finish the tests. Remember, the test is designed to measure candidates over a range of scores from 0 to 9 (0 indicates the test was not attempted). Candidates whose English is near perfect can expect to score 9, but even native English-speaking people would be unlikely to complete every Listening Test answer perfectly or finish the Reading Test a long time before the examination ends. Remember, the test is meant to be challenging.


The IELTS test measures many aspects of your English ability including the speed at which you listen, read, write, speak, and think in English. Your personal speed is not something which changes a great deal from day to day, but does change considerably over a longer period of time, as a direct result of practice in working with the English language.


Your personal speed and ability in the 5 areas previously mentioned is pretty well fixed at any given time. The official IELTS Band Scores you receive are extremely accurate, since each test is trialled extensively to achieve standardised results for candidates at all English levels. Nonetheless, there are certainly many things you can do, before and on the day of the test, to help maximise the use of your time and give yourself the best chance of success.


Consider the following situation: although a racing car cannot go faster than its maximum speed, the race can still be won, and its maximum speed maintained for longer, if an expert driver is at the wheel. An expert racing car driver will:

Choose a realistic and achievable goal

IELTS materials

To obtain a satisfactory IELTS Band Score, it is necessary to be realistic. If the goal is to reach a certain level of English proficiency, success can only be achieved with much practice. It is important to know what an IELTS score in any of the Sub-tests means before you set yourself a goal.


An outline of the Overall Band Scale levels is given below:  9    Expert User -  Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding.


8    Very Good User -  Has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations. Handles complex detailed argumentation well.


7    Good User -  Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning.


6    Competent User — Has generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings. Can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.

Ten Myths about the IELTS Test

IELTS materials

* Commonly held beliefs which are untrue!


1.The IELTS test is more difficult than other English tests.


Well, no. The IELTS test is not necessarily any more difficult than other tests, but not all tests assess the same skills. The IELTS test will certainly challenge you because the training course you are considering will be tough, too.


2. I can choose which module of the IELTS test I wish to take.


Not quite. If you want to do a degree course, you MUST take the Academic Module. The General Training Module is for diploma level courses and immigration purposes. But it is true that the IELTS test module you take is determined by the choices you make about your future.


3. The IELTS tests are different in various parts of the world.


No. There are many versions ofthetest, and at any given examination there may be a different version being given at a centre. However, IELTS is a standardised, global test.

The Speaking sub-test

IELTS materials

•    The Speaking Sub-test takes between 11 and 14 minutes.


•    The Sub-test consists of an interview with a trained examiner, and is recorded on a tape recorder. However, this recording is made to assess the examiner and not the candidate.


•    There are 3 parts to the Speaking Sub-test.


•    Part 1: you answer questions about your home life or family life, work or study, your interestsand other familar topics of a general nature to reveal your background. (4-5 minutes)


•    Part 2: you are given exactly 1 minute to prepare yourself to talk about a particular topic. Theinstructions to guide your talk are written on a card given to you by the examiner. Yourtalk should last for 1 -2 minutes. The examiner will ask one or two questions at the end.(3-4 minutes — including preparation time of 1 minute)

The Writing sub-test

IELTS materials

•    The Writing Sub-test takes 60 minutes.


•    There are two writing tasks.


•    The first task will take approximately 20 minutes, and you are required to write a minimum of 150 words. The second task will take approximately 40 minutes with a minimum of 250 words.


•    For Task 1 you describe information that is presented to you in a graph, table, chart, diagram, or short piece of text. The description is usually given in the form of a report. You might have to compare sets of data, or use a set of data to support a given statement. Alternatively, you might be required to describe the stages of a process, describe an object, or explain how something works, or how it is used.


•    For Task 2 you are asked to write a formal essay or a report in which you might have to offer a solution to a particular problem, present and justify an opinion, compare information given in the question task, or evaluate and challenge a given argument.