

The reading sub-test

IELTS materials

•    The Reading Sub-test takes 60 minutes and is in 3 sections. There are 3 passages with a combined length of 1500-2500 words and a total of 40 questions.


•    The reading passages become more difficult as you progress through the test.


•    The passages are taken from journals, magazines, books and newspapers. All the topics are of general interest and are not specialised texts.


•    The reading passages may contain diagrams, charts or graphs, and at least one passage will include an argument. If a reading passage contains technical or specialised words, a glossary is usually provided.


•    The questions may come before or after the reading passages in the examination booklet, and instructions and examples are given at the beginning of a new group of questions.


•    You must write your answers during the Reading Sub-test on the Answer Sheet provided.

101 Helpful Hints for IELTS

The Listening sub-test

IELTS materials

•    The Listening Sub-test takes 30 minutes: approximately 20 minutes to listen to the tape and answer the questions, and 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an Answer Sheet provided with the test booklet.


•    The test consists of 4 sections, and you will hear the tape only once. There are 40 questions in total.


•    The listening passages become more difficult as you progress through the test.


•    Section 1 is based on social or life situations: for example, travel arrangements, visiting a new city, or making arrangements to go out. This is usually a conversation between at least two speakers.


•    Section 2 is also based on social or life situations: for example, a news broadcast, or a description of college facilities. This is usually a passage with only one person speaking.


•    Section 3 is usually based on education and training situations: for example, a group of students planning a project, or a tutor and a student discussing career options. This is often a conversation with up to four speakers.


•    Section 4 is also based on education and training: for example, a lecture or a talk of general academic interest.


•    Spelling is not important in the Listening Sub-test, except that you must spell words correctly when they are spelt out for you on the tape.

What is IELTS? An Overview

IELTS materials

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) examination can be taken in over 100 different countries in the world. It is primarily designed to assess the readiness of candidates to study or train in further or higher education courses held in English at college or university.


The examination takes 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete, and consists of four Sub-tests in the skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking.


There are two IELTS test modules available — the Academic Module and the General Training Module.


The results of the Academic Module may be used to determine a candidate’s suitability for study at undergraduate or postgraduate level.


The General Training Module is suitable for candidates wishing to continue their studies at diploma level only. The General Training Module is also used for immigration purposes to Australia or New Zealand, and for students who wish to complete their secondary education in an English-speaking country. The General Training Reading and Writing Sub-tests are less demanding than the corresponding Academic Module Sub-tests, but the Listening and Speaking Sub-tests are the same for both modules.


It does not matter what subject you are going to study in the future — or have studied in the past — all students taking the desired module do the same test. You will not be tested on your specific knowledge of a subject; only your English language skills are assessed.


You may write on the question papers, but you may not take the question papers from the examination room. All your answers must be written on the Answer Sheet provided.


You can apply to take the IELTS examination at any IELTS Administration Centre. For further details of your nearest centre, consult the IDP British Council UCLES IELTS Handbook or refer to the official IELTS website on the Internet: www.ielts.org/centres.cfm

Chexiyaning mashhur bolalar seriali O‘zbek tilida namoyish etiladi

Qiziqarli ma'lumotlar

O‘zbekiston teleradiokompaniyasining “Madaniyat va ma’rifat” telekanali kichik yoshli tomoshabinlarga sehrgarlik va sarguzashtlar olamiga sho‘ng‘ish imkonini yaratib bermoqda. Har shanba ertalab chex xalq ertagi asosida suratga olingan “Pan Tau” seriali namoyish etiladi, deya xabar beradi Chexiya Respublikasining O‘zbekistondagi elchixonasi matbuot xizmati.


“Bu ertak qahramoni mahalliy telekanallarda birinchi marta paydo bo‘layotgani yo‘q, – deyiladi xabarda. – Lekin rejissor Indrix Polak tomonidan yaratilgan bu asarning o‘zbek ekraniga qaytishi kichkintoylar va ularning ota-onalarini chinakamiga quvontiradi”.

uTube.uzda “Sog’lom bola yili” bo’limi ishga tushirildi

Новости ZiyoNET


ZiyoNET portalining uTube.uz loyihasida “Sog’lom bola yili” bo’limi faoliyat yurita boshladi.


Kecha ishga tushirilgan ushbu bo’limga jismonan hamda ruhan sog’lom va  baquvvat  bolani tarbiyalashga oid 23 ta video material joylashtirildi.


Bu videoroliklar sog’lom bolani tarbiyalashda muhim qo’llanma sifatida foydalanish uchun mo’ljallangan.

Elektron axborot dunyosida inson huquqlari

Информационные технологии

Aloqa tarixi muzeyida O’zbekiston Respublikasi Inson huquqlari bo’yicha Milliy markazning  http //insonhuquqlari.uz/uz/ sayti taqdimoti bo’lib o’tdi.  Sayt UZINFOCOM Markazi tomonidan OBSE homiyligi yordamida yaratildi.



Inson huquqlari bo’yicha elektron loyihaning yaratilishi mamlakatimizda demokratik jamiyat yaratilganligining yaqqol isbotidir. Mazkur axborot resurs inson huquqlarini himoyalashga oid qonunchilik, xalqaro tajribalar kabi barcha huquqiy ma’lumotlarni aks ettiradi.

uMail.uzga yuborilgan xatlar endi SMS shaklida

Новости центра UZINFOCOM

UZINFOCOM Markazi hamda uMail.uz pochta xizmati pochta qutisiga yangi xabar kelganligi haqida SMS ogohlantirish xizmatini ishga tushirdi. Yangi xizmatdan O’zbekistondagi barcha uyali aloqa kompaniyasi va uMail.uz pochta xizmati abonentlari foydalanishi mumkin.


Ushbu xizmat orqali pochta abonentlari pochta qutisiga yuborilgan har qanday yangi xabar va ularning soni haqida ma’lumotga ega bo’lishlari mumkin. Ushbu xizmatdan foydalanish sozlama hamda yo’riqnomasi pochta qutisida ko’rsatilgan.


“Биометрик паспорт олиш учун онлайн-навбатга ёзилиш тартиби” видео- йўриқномаси

Информационные технологии

Интерактив давлат хизматлари Ягона порталини оммалаштириш бўйича яна бир қадам ташланди.


Порталдан фойдаланувчилар учун биометрик паспорт олиш мақсадида навбатга ёзилиш тартиби ҳақидаги видео-йўриқнома uTube.uz сайтига жойлаштирилди.


Ушбу ролик орқали навбатга ёзилиш бўйича босқичма-босқич амалга оширилиши лозим бўлган ҳаракатларни билиб олишингиз ва уни амалда қўллашингиз мумкин.

Интерактив давлат хизматлари Ягона портали ҳақидаги энг яхши мақола кўрик-танлови якунланди

Информационные технологии


«Интерактив давлат хизматлари Ягона портали ҳақидаги энг яхши мақола кўрик-танлови» ҳақида илгари хабар қилган эдик. Мазкур танлов ўз якунига етди. Танловда 20 киши иштирок этган бўлсада, муаллифлик мақолалари сони мазкур кўрсаткичдан ошиб кетди.


Биргина Сергей Савчук –Курбанов учта мақолани тақдим этган бўлса, Аракси Манучарова ўнта радиоэшиттиришни тингловчилар ҳукмига ҳавола қилди. Мазкур эшиттиришларни uTube.uz видеопортали орқали тинглаш имконига эгасиз. Муаллифлар рўйхати ҳамда танлов материаллари билан сайтимизнинг 2013 йил 11 декабр санасидаги саҳифада танишишингиз мумкин.


Танловга келиб тушган материаллар UZINFOCOM ва Қорақалпоғистон Республикаси компьютерлаштириш Маркази ходимларидан иборат махсус ҳайъат аъзолари томонидан белгиланган қатор мезонлар асосида кўриб чиқилди. Баҳолар ягона жадвал ҳолига келтирилди ва қуйидаги иштирокчилар ғолиб деб топилди:

Тасвирий санъат галереясида "Шашмақом" кўргазмаси

Новости культуры


24 январ куни ЎзбекистонТасвирий санъат галереясида ЮНЕСКО томонидан “Инсониятнинг оғзаки номоддий маданий мероси” деб тан олинган Шашмақом мусиқий мероси яна тингловчиларни ноанъанавий намойишга чорлади.Иккинчи бор ташкил этилаётган “Шашмақом кўргазмаси” ўзига хос экспериментал мусиқий лойиҳа бўлиб, бунда тингловчилар Шашмақом туркумига кирувчи барча олти мақом туркумларидан ноодатий тарзда баҳраманд бўлишди.


Мазкур мусиқий кўргазма «OXUS Culture» Маъсулияти Чекланган Жамияти билан ҳамкорлигида ҳамда кўп сонли мухлисларнинг талаб ва истаклари асосида ташкиллаштирилди.

Test on Article.

Чет тили
Чет тили

1.Do  you  want  …  cup  of  tea?

A. an    B. a      C. -      D. the

2.Can   I  have  …  another  cup  of  tea?

A. an    B. a      C. -      D. the

3. I’m  going  to  clean  …  car   tomorrow.

A. an    B. a      C. -      D. the

4. I  have   got  …  car.

A. an    B. a      C. -      D. the

5. My  brother   is  a  soldier. He  is  in  …  army.

A. an    B. a      C. -      D. the

6. What  time  do  you  go  to  …  work  in  the  morning?

A. an    B. a      C. -      D. the

7. Do  you  often  go  to  …  cinema?

A. an    B. a      C. -      D. the

8. I’m  tired. I ‘m   going …  home.

A. an    B. a      C. -      D. the

9. My   sister  is  going  to  …  dentist  tomorrow.

A. an    B. a      C. -      D. the

Tests on types of questions 2

Чет тили
Чет тили

11. I am too fat,……….?

a)am I  b)aren’t I c)I am  d)am not I


12. It is very expensive, …………?

a)are they b)isn’t it c)is it d)is this


13. You don’t know  where Ann is,………….? Sorry I have no idea.

a)don’t you   b)do you   c)is Ann  d)are you


13. A: Do you prefer  to travel by train …….  by air?

B: I prefer  to travel  by train.

a)and     b)or    c) but   d)so


14.A  We have won the game.  B: Oh, ……?

a)haven’t you  b)have they   c)have we   d)Have you  


15. You closed the door,…………………..?

a)will you  b)did you c)did not you d)shall you

Tests on types of questions 2

Чет тили
Чет тили

11. I am too fat,……….?

a)am I b)aren’t I c)I am d)am not I


12. It is very expensive, …………?

a)are they b)isn’t it c)is it d)is this

13. You don’t know where Ann is,………….? Sorry I have no idea.

a)don’t you b)do you c)is Ann d)are you

13. A: Do you prefer to travel by train ……. by air?

B: I prefer to travel by train.

a)and b)or c) but d)so

14.A We have won the game. B: Oh, ……?

a)haven’t you b)have they c)have we d)Have you

15. You closed the door,…………………..?

a)will you b)did you c)did not you d)shall you

16. 13. Choose the 3nswer which correctly completes the sentence.

They have nothing in common,… they?

A) do B) don't C) had D) haven't

Tests on types of questions 1

Чет тили
Чет тили

1.    Jack got up early this morning but his sister…….

a)doesn’t    b) did     c) didn’t   d)haven’t


2. All children in the class can speak English but Farruh …….

a)couldn’t    b)can’t          c)does not speak     d)can speak


3.A:Do you smoke?  B: ……………

a) No. I do not smoke.    b)Yes, he  does.   c) No, I do not.     d) No, I will not.


4. A: Must we write  the  whole text?     B: ………….

a) Yes, you needn’t.    b) Yes, you may.   c) No, she must not.    d)Yes, you must.


5.Who ……………………… the  steam engine?

a) did invent   b)invents    c)invented    d)was invented

Test on Present simple and Continuous2

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Чет тили

31. “ Have a cigarette!”

“ No, thank you. I … .”

A. smoke B. smokes

C. don’t smoke D. doesn’t smoke


32-36. Write the opposite.

I understand.

A.I don’t understand.

B. I not understand

C. I doesn’t understand

D. I am not understand


33. He lives in France.

A. He don’t live in France

B. He isn’t live in France

C. He doesn’t lives in France

D. He doesn’t live in France

Test on Present Simple and Continuous.

Чет тили
Чет тили

1.They  have  a  lot  of  books. They  …  a  lot.

A. reads               B.  read

C. are  reading     D. don’t  read


2. He’s  eating  an  ice-cream. He  …  ice-cream.

A. likes                 B. like      

C. doesn’t   like    D. liking


3. I   …  in   London  but  my  sister  …  in   Paris.

A. live/live         B. lives/live     

C. lives/lives      D. live/lives


4. I  …  big  cities.

A. like                    B. likes       

C. doesn’t  like      D. don’t   likes


5. The  weather  here  is  not  very  good. It  often  …  .

A.  is  raining     B. rain      

C. rains              D. doesn’t  rains

Test on Present Simple and Continuous

Чет тили
Чет тили

 1.Jim   ….  television  now.

A. watches               B. is  watching

C. doesn’t   watch    D. are   watching


2. Jim   often   …   television.

A. watches               B. is  watching

C. doesn’t   watch    D. are   watching


3. He  …   the  piano  at  the  moment.

A. is  play               B. doesn’t   play    

C. isn’t   playing     D. not  playing


4. Is  he   playing   the  piano?

A. Yes, he   is  not      B. No, he  is

C. Yes,  he  does         D. Yes, he  is


5. Please   be   quiet! I …  .

A. am   working          B. work    

C. am  not  working    D. don’t   working

Test on Present Simple and Present Continuous 1

Чет тили
Чет тили

1.They  have  a  lot  of  books. They  …  a  lot.

A. reads       B.  read

C. are  reading     D.don’t  read


2. He’s  eating  an  ice-cream. He  …  ice-cream.

A. likes        B. like      

C. doesn’t   like    D. liking


3. I   …  in   London  but  my  sister  …  in   Paris.

A. live/live    B. lives/live     

C. lives/lives      D. live/lives


4. I  …  big  cities.

A. like      B. likes       

C. doesn’t  like      D. don’t   likes


5. The  weather  here  is  not  very  good. It  often  …  .

A.  is  raining     B. rain      

C. rains     D. doesn’t    rains

Test on "To be". Classwork test 2

Чет тили
Чет тили

1.Please  be  quite!  I …   .

A. working      B. work         C. am   working     D. is   working


2. Nick   …  a  letter  now.

A. is  writing     B. writing     C. not  writing    D. write


3. Look! Jane  …  her  new  dress.

A. wear     B. wearing     C. are   wearing    D. is  wearing


4. Turn  off  the  television! I …  it.

A. am   watching     B. watch    C. am  not   watching    D. watching


5.  “ …  it   …   ?”  “ Yes, take  your  umbrella.”

A. is/raining    B. are/ raining    C. isn’t/ raining    D. is/rain

Test on "To be". Classwork test 1 (continue)

Чет тили
Чет тили

31. That  …  my   seat.A. is     B. am         C. are      D. aren’t32.   “ …  I  right? “      “ No, you  …  wrong.”A. Am / aren’t        B. Am / are      C. Is / am     D. Are/ are33. How    …  your   parents?A. is     B. am    C. isn’t      D. are34.”Where  …  my  English  book? “          “ It  …  on  the  table.”A. is/am     B. is/ is        C. are/is                D. am/ are